Skm cinemas is an Indian entertainment company,which was established by Akil in 2021. Sub group of Skm footwear , the production house has been involved in the production and distribution of films made in south India. The vision of skm is to create,promote and release content across varying genres

About Akil

Mohamed Ali k (akil) (born 29 sep 1994) he is Founder & CEO of skm foot wear and skm your choice.

In 2021 he was announced as the new owner of the Skm cinemas production company.

He is a co-producer of nisabdham tamil movie which released in 2017 and also he is actor come producer of gethu kaature album song released in 2022.

Officialy skm cinemas banner lanched in 4th aug 2023 at prasad studio infront of press and media.

Akil - SKM

Founder & CEO

Our Team



Admin Manager


Front office Staff

SKM Cinemas Committed To Film Excellence

About Team

we are not here to impress with our words yes skm team is here to work hard and we would like to grow and glow together.

Trust and Worth

Group of companies

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